Cм. также Личная выставка на Типомании 2019
Анник Трокслер – графический дизайнер из Швейцарии, родилась в 1979 году в Виллизау.
Она изучала графический дизайн в ECAL в Лозанне; сейчас работает в сфере культуры и преподает в Базельской школе дизайна.
Анник создает плакаты с особым вниманием к содержанию и выразительным визуальным образам, при этом совмещая типографику и изображения под необычным углом. В своем стиле она играючи сочетает эксперимент и минималистичный функционализм. С 2008 года она читает лекции и проводит мастер-классы в Европе и за ее пределами и завоевала награды по всему миру.
Интервью для Eye On Design (AIGA) (англ.)
Interview for TDC
What is your starting point for a project?
My starting point is always to draw and jot down ideas.
I do a kind of brain-storm-sketches that also include techniques or possible colours I could use for a certain project. Normally I develop a lot of different directions and then I start with the one I most enjoy.
Do awards competitions matter? Why?
I doubt that awards competitions matter to get interesting jobs as a designer, but I think it’s a good opportunity to show your recent work to other designers from the same field and I appreciate to see recent designs collected in the catalogues.
What design principles do you work by? Live by?
I try to always start new.
I love to surprise myself.
I attempt to not limit myself to a single style.
I try to tell or show an idea within the context of the project.
I like to transmit happiness in my designs.
I try to remain up to date and not old-fashioned.
What do you most dislike about your profession?
The market is very competitive and therefore there are not many exciting jobs where you can show your true qualities. Sometimes it also feels as if there is a lack of courage to find new and surprising soloutions. I would like to see more diversity and unexpected results.
What do you most value in a designer?
I appreciate designers that are able to transport social, political and ecological issues through great visuals.
What is your motto? I love to feel a prickle when I get really into a design – although sometimes I need to search a long time...